


Articlyfy - Article Management and Article hosting platform.
A dynamic article management platform built with Next.js, React, Appwrite Cloud, and TypeScript, providing a seamless experience for users to publish, store, and manage articles.
Appwrite Cloud
Image of Articlyfy - Article Management and Article hosting platform.

Articlyfy is a feature-rich article management platform designed to deliver a smooth and interactive experience for users to create, store, and manage articles. Built using Next.js 14 and React, the platform offers a dynamic and responsive frontend. Appwrite Cloud provides comprehensive authentication and database functionality, allowing for secure user management and reliable article storage.

The backend is powered by Express.js and Node.js, ensuring efficient data handling and integration with MongoDB, which stores article data, user profiles, and more. This tech stack enables Articlyfy to handle user requests quickly and reliably, while TypeScript enhances code quality, maintainability, and scalability.

#Key Features

  • User Authentication: Secure user signup and login powered by Appwrite Cloud.
  • Article Management: Allows users to create, edit, delete, and save articles seamlessly.
  • Database Integration: Utilizes MongoDB for scalable, flexible data storage, managing user profiles and article content.
  • Frontend Performance: Next.js and React enable fast, responsive interfaces, improving user experience.
  • Backend Functionality: A robust Express.js and Node.js backend for managing data requests and API handling.

#Tech Stack

  • Frontend: Next.js 14, React, TypeScript
  • Backend: Express.js, Node.js
  • Database and Authentication: Appwrite Cloud, MongoDB

This project helped me strengthen my skills in building full-stack applications, integrating secure authentication, and managing content storage. Articlyfy demonstrates my ability to create modern, interactive platforms with a strong focus on user experience.